
Hello everyone!

I welcome you to my website! This has been some time in the making, but I’m happy to share that things are starting to come to fruition. On my page you will find the most up to date information on any upcoming performances and collaborations. If you’re around for a concert and you see me, please say hello! 

The idea for this page stemmed from a thought experiment I had while on a job in Seattle shortly after we had the pandemic shutdown. My girlfriend had gotten me a Legend of Zelda themed notebook (huge fan of the game franchise), and I had decided to use that to keep track of my thoughts and feelings throughout the job, before and after rehearsals/performances.For the “blog”, I’m hoping that a thought or an idea…or even a random ramble session I put down on the page might help someone going through a similar experience. I also am planning on using this space as an area to mull over a topic and explore it a bit deeper… maybe even an analysis or two! Who knows! 

As my teacher would say, consider this a “living document”, or an area that will be consistently updated/edited… or whenever I have something to share! 

As always stay hungry and stay eager. Happy music making! 
